Friday 20 August 2010

How Big is Quinn?

...SOOO Big!! Q is 16 months, is sporting a great farmer tan, has some sunkissed hair, speaking many words including thank you (Gok U), bubble (as of last night), Daisy (we miss our little Daisy, and is enjoying the outdoors as much as he can. Here are a few snapshots we have caught this summer!

Is that a plane, a helicopter, or a bird? Q is the first to spot whatever it is and point to them from miles away!

Q can be found enjoying a dip in the kiddy pool or getting a cuddle with Naana.

Quinn went on his first train ride with Gramma and Dziadziu at Roar Park

A good way to cool off is at the water hole up at the new mall.

A few minutes of an animated flick before bed is a nice way to end the day especially on Baapa's lap.

A walk on the beach after homemade boysenberry muffins made this Saturday special.

Watermelon is a favorite now! Oh and so are limes and lemons...

More time at the watering hole and this time with Audrey!
He does slow down at times and gives the best hugs and kisses!

Friday 12 March 2010

Quinn and Qun say Good-bye!

Quinn made quite an impression on one of our favorite restaurant owners in Edinburgh. They share the same name, the same love of sushi, and (from the smiles on their faces in this photo) a similar appreciation for one another. Qun, we will miss you!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Let's meet at the swings!

Our days left in Edinburgh can be counted on two hands. We are making the most of the time we have left and filling it with what Quinn loves to do. The swings are top of the list. Last week we made it there a full hands worth of times. Some days we met up with little friends like Annika, Olly, Fraser, and Ellie. Time to find out where the swings are in Bonita so we can tell these little friends and their mum's where to meet us;) Wish it was that easy!

Monday 22 February 2010

A DaDa Da!

Wednesday 17 February 2010

This is how I sit!

Just a cute picture to show Quinn's favorite sitting position these days. Easy access to start crawling, to stand up, and of course to clap. Other news today is that Quinn has another tooth. Not much complaining about it, just noticed a bit more drool and "Tada" thats tooth #7!

Monday 15 February 2010

What do you mean, WE'RE MOVING?

So yesterday on Valentine's Day we took Quinn out for lunch. While he enjoyed a child's meal of cheese pizza, and an ice cream cone (we didn't know was part of the meal) we decided to break some news to him (and allow him to enjoy the sweets, with some help of course!). "We are moving back to California"! He took the news pretty well with a waffle cone in hand. Later, he got to skype and tell his Granparents, Aunt and Uncles that he will be in San Diego on March 18th. Let's just say that the Granparents didn't need an ice cream to take this news. Hearing that a Quinn hug is within reach, made them all VERY happy!

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Wednesday = Meadowbank

Wednesday for Quinn and I marks "Soft Play Day" with lots of our
friends. We meet at a Gym where they have a play area for the wee
ones. It is a fun couple of hours for the little people to move
about, explore, and for us Mommy's to have some chat!

This is where we play!

Quinn chasing balls

How about the baby treadmill...or the chewmill at this stage (Oh that's where he got
last weeks cold- um yes).

Climbing around up top and loving it!

The great group of mum's with their wee one's! Chitterchatchatchatchitterchat!

The best way to end the day is a ride down a slide (a first for Q. It
started with a smile and ended with a smile)!

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Quinn loves to see YOUR blog!

Quinn keeps up on his friends blogs just like his parents! He gets the biggest kick from seeing his little buddies. Quinn frequently keeps an eye on Maya, Meara & Colin, and gets some fun emails that have his cousin Gracie in them. I had to get the camera out (finally) to capture his excitement when he sees a fellow little person. Today Maya made his day which made him share a new sound! I think he was telling Maya she looks great in hats!

Tuesday 19 January 2010

How quick the time goes

Quinn is over 9 months and I find myself being very sentimental. He has been here just a bit longer than he was in my belly. Wow-the time has gone SO quickly in SO many ways (and yes SO slow in many others). I picked up the baby book my Mom made Quinn and was reminded of every week (and more) that I was carrying him (in a much different way). Every week during my pregnancy I sent an email out to those that wanted to hear what I was going through(my folks, John's parents, Aunt Jill & Uncle Pete, Uncle Dave, GAC and GUB). My Mom always wrote back wanting more information. I thought it was just her being her eager self (grand baby-hello!)...but not till Quinn was here did I discover what was really making her so intrigued. Gramma Warren was busy making a memory book with every email exchange over those 9 months. This book holds all the thoughts, feelings, and photos from that time. From the morning sickness, to the first time I felt Quinn move, and every midwife/doctor appointment ...its all in there! She also painted the cover inside and out. Truly special to read, to have, and to share with Quinn someday. Well, Quinn took much interest in it while I was turning the pages today. He loves to see pictures of babies and of himself. He so enjoyed the cover and then seeing some familiar faces on the second page who were there at his birth. It was fun to watch him. Extra kisses on him for being Quinn, and extra kisses to my Mom for all the love YOU put into this book. Thank you, love you, more than you know!

A bonus nap shot of Quinn in his stripes:)

Sunday 17 January 2010

Trip to the Barbers (AKA: Mama's Kitchen)

Today Quinn received his first haircut! It was more of a trim to tame some of those flyaways and to take some of the bulk out of areas where more hair grows. I did discover something I already knew... It is only product that will truly tame this little person's locks. So time to get the wax out, or just continue getting comments from others about his crazy hair! Quinn handled me playing with his head fairly well for a first cut. He did get a bit restless when the hair started falling on and tickling his face, so that was the end of the first time. This is only the beginning to (I wonder how) many years of cuts by Mom.